Saturday, August 3, 2013


We all know what a yeild sign means right. Well lets just there is one FUCKIN MORON who knows now. I went for a nice afternoon hot ass ride today, and on my way home I needed fuel. Coming off the highway (actually obeing the law and going the speed limit. go figure) I noticed some ASSHOLE on the service road next to me,I swear starting to speed up. Now keep in mind he did have a YEILD SIGN, I seen it just ahead of him,yeah I looked to make sure. Well I guess he thought he was a specail car that didn't have to stop.WRONG. Here is the fun part. We both end up at a red light, wih me behind him. Kickstand down bike off and steaming mad. I began to chew this man,(yes man) an ass. The whole time he was clueless. Well those who know me, know how load I am, and there happen to be a very scared person in the car behind me who called the police.Man my luck they were around the corner. light turns green and the cops were in front of both of us blocking this ASS in. Sweet right. Well once the cops listened to both sides, I am told to calm down and this ASS is handed a ticket(SWEET)and told next time they will not stop the next biker from dragging him out of his car and repremanding him themselves. You have to like the cops every now and then. kicker of it all is when the guy tried to worm his way out, the man in the other car who called the cops had seen everything and told his side.The reason he called the police is because he didn't want to see an ass whooping like what he thought and have to explain to his kids in the car how Fucking Stupid some people are who drive cars. So to my fellow brothers and sisters PLEASE BE CAREFUL when coming of the highway and cars have to merge for you, sometimes they Won't. STAY SAFE.

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