Wednesday, August 7, 2013


I thought it was me, until this afternoon. Why is it that a cager speeds up to a bike(regaurdless of what kind)and needs to get in front of it. Are you cagers that scared to be behind one just in case. So you would rather be in front of it and what hope we rear end you. Oh ok I see where that is better. What IF you kept a safe distance and kept an eye out for the biker. Hey there is a concept, Thinking of others beside yourself.WOW. I watched a cager do this to a crotch rocket and then get caught in traffic and slam on his brakes. I was glad that the biker was smarter than the car and maintained his speed, because the bike was able to swerve around and flip off the car. Sweet little revenge. Yes revenge is nice even when on a small scale. Cagers pull your heads OUT OF YOUR ASS and see you are not alone. Brothers and Sisters Stay Safe

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