Thursday, August 15, 2013


Please someone HELP. If you know a new driver please have them put something on there car to let us know who they are. YOU YOUNG CAGERS SCARE THE SHIT OUT OF ME MORE. I don't care what you use, A light, A sign, Road flares off your trunk. You youngins have picked up some very horrible habbits from you elders. I have watch in the past few days some scarey shit. Now that doesn't mean that it has not been happening for a while it is i just started to notice. Mainly because my son has just started to drive himself. I know I am a mean son of a bitch, because I have been teaching my son by shotgun method. There is no phone in the car, not even mine. Mom says that i am a horrible teaching because, there is no slack in my teaching. Well, I am teaching him this way so he know who and what is on the road. He will be fully aware that there are bikers of all kind out there. And his job is to make sure that he sees them and keeps there safety in mind. Not saying he has to make sure they get to where they are going, but to make sure while he sees them they are safe. I am almost ready to inform him that he can go after other cagers if they start acting FUCKIN STUPID. With mom along for the classes it might be harder to teach that particular method. So if you know a new driver out there please prepare them for an ASS CHEWING if they start ACTING STUPID like the rest of the cagers. I will not be nice and if I have my way my son will not be either. Or please cagers teach your children to drive safely and watch for us on the road, and respect us like you want them to respect you. That is not much to ask for is it. Brothers and Sisters Stay Safe.

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