Monday, August 5, 2013


Why is it that most people link a biker to a bad person or scum. This particular concept boggles my mind. I am neither a bad person or scum. Most bikers I meet are some of the nicest and caring people around. Do you realize that the DFW TOY RUN for children is the largest biker rally in the country. It is where bikers from all walks gather together collecting toys for needy children. Not to mention all the other bike runs around are for either children or sick people that need so kind of help. Also bikers will stop on the side of the road to give a hand to motorists in need. So who ever came up with the idea that bikers are bad mean people don't know any. like I said i am neither a bad person nor scum. As a matter of fact I am a professional person who carries a state license and continue my education constantly through state testing. You might also ask the next biker that you run across what his profession is, you might be surprised. You might find a doctor, lawyer(sorry you might find 1 or 2),or even a police officer.So please don't assume that bikers are mean, evil(thats my wife just to let you know) or scum. Although if you hurt a child in any way shape or form you just might see something that you never wanted to see. Or if you were to be disrespectful to a women or the elderly you just might find out what an old fashion ASS WHOOPIN is. So brothers and sisters stay safe.

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